Oh! And the weather has been crazy! We had our first "blizzard" of the year and me and Sister Nelson got ice cream while walking outside in it! Bahahaha! For some reason we were sick of hot cocoa and there's a yummy "Quality Dairy" down the street that is known for their ice cream! So while we were walking home from a member lesson in the blizzard we were eating ice cream! Bahaha! Memories! :) (Don't worry, Mom! We were all bundled up and President wouldn't let any of the missionaries in the mission drive that day because the roads were scary. And we were only out for a little bit. The member lived down the street.)
Ok, sorry for all the blab! Here are momma's questions for the week:
1.) What were some of your favorite parts of Virginie's baptism?
Just how happy she was and she said at the end of the night the word to describe the day and how she felt was "loved". I was so glad! And then at dinner, she came up to me and Sister Nelson and almost made us start balling because she told us how grateful she was that we came on missions and into her life. She also said now, wherever we go, we will have a little piece of her and Julia in our hearts. On my! Tears! I love her so much! (When she gets married in France, Mom, we are going! They are building a temple in Paris!;) )
2.) Are the Vanegas' making it to church more? And how is Rick? Don't you have more baptisms coming up?
Pray for the Vanegas'. They are struggling. And Rick is on fire! We taught him at the church right before Virginie's baptism and he said he prayed about a baptism date and the date is MARCH 19TH!!! Yay! We are so excited for him! So that' s our next baptism coming up! He is so solid and his testimony is awesome. He said something I LOVED! When were were telling him that Satan is going to be working hard on him, he responded, "But Christ works harder." How STELLAR is he?! :D
3.) What are you looking forward to this week?
Just having one last, good week with Sister Nelson! I love her and have learned so much from her. Transfer calls are on Friday! So I am most likely staying, but I most likely will get a new companion. Sister Nelson has been in this area for 6 months! Maybe I will train and get my own baby! Who knows?:)
4.) Shout-outs?
Ehhhh....if I pick and choose then people will feel left out! Know I love and miss you all!;) And I love the ones who send me letters and packages even more!!! Bahaha!;) Jk!....maybe......
5.) A ponderize scripture?
I challenge you all to read your favorite scripture this week and then when you email me next week send it to me and tell me why you like it so much!:) I don't really have a specific one for this week! Sorry!
I love you all so much! And I miss you so much! But I LOVE my mission and I don't think I have ever been happier in my life than I am out here serving others! Read the scriptures and then live them! As I have done that, I have felt myself come to know Christ even more! Have a stellar and warm week and know you are all in my thoughts and prayers!<3
Remember the church is true and I love you!
<3Sister Rogers<3
Michigan Lansing Mission
Haha! Getting Julia to hold still was a struggle! Hahaha! We had to give her cookies, hand sanitizer, and our rings to keep her still during the baptism and she was still bouncing all over the place! And then Virginie says, "I look depressed in this picture!" But she really was smiling all day long!:) Don't worry!
Still looking fab in her black, high heels! How French! Bahahaha!;) And then Brother Moulding! (That's the couple she's best friends with!) So cool that he baptized her! They met because they both work at MSU together and then she recognized him the first time she came to church!
So we woke up super early and went and shoveled Steven's driveway for a late birthday present and because he was sick! And man! I rocked that snow blower! Haha! ;) He was so surprised when he came out! We were trying to get it all done before he came out, but he caught us! And then his driveway is HUGE and we were halfway done by using shovels and he laughed and told us he had a snow blower! And I wasn't cold! I was sweating hot! Me and Sister Nelson both had to take off our coats for a little while! So fun!:)
Me with some of my fav Elders! We are all mocassin buddies and we match every zone P-day! I hope they both stay in my zone!;(
Ice cream in the blizzard! Yummmmmmmmmm! (It is cookie dough mixed with cookies and cream btw!)
Sister Nelson walking in the crazy blizzard! It looks pretty but that's about it! Haha!
Some thick snow! We got at least a foot and a half! Hahaha!:) So fun to shovel! ;) I now consider myself a pro!
*Note from Riley's Momma: As I was downloading pics, I stumbled across this one that I obviously forgot to post at some point way back. I thought I'd include it since it is of Julia, Virginie's daughter & as a HUGE congrats to Virginie's baptism this past Saturday! Sis Rogers & Sis Nelson sure love this little future missionary! (and she seems to love the camera....well, this time, right?) What a little goof ball! <3
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