Hey Family and Friends!<3
So this week has been super, super humbling for me. I have felt closer to Jesus Christ as I have come to understand humility more through everything that has happened this past week. We went from 22 investigators at the beginning of the transfer, to only 3 now at the end of the transfer. We have had to drop people that just aren't progressing.:( I feel a little how Heavenly Father must feel when his children leave him. It is heart wrenching.
Marla met with us Monday! We broke our fast at Panera, but when she came in with cards and flowers, we knew it was over. She was just so unsure about Joseph Smith and the priesthood. It was the saddest, nicest breakup of my life.;( But I know we planted a large seed with her that will grow in the future!
Scott is still doing really well! We all fasted yesterday together. He wasn't able to make it to church on Sunday, but he sent us a nice text letting us know he was really sorry and he is excited to meet with us tomorrow! Keep praying for him to overcome his addictions and get Sunday's off from work! He is working so hard! We are so proud of him! The Spirit is always so strong in lessons! We taught him tithing and he said, "Well...I OWE the church my money if they help me to stop with my addictions.....even paying tithing will leave me with more money than before if I stop buying cigarettes and alcohol." It was so cool! And he is getting super into the Book of Mormon and bible! He loves the cross references! We gave him a bible with the Joseph Smith translations and he has been loving life!<3
We had to drop our Jehovah Witness friend, Jim, this week. It was so sad. He LOVED learning about The Book of Mormon, but just wasn't willing to really put the work into knowing if it was true. Again, one of the saddest, nicest breakups of my life!:(
And we had the coolest and saddest miracle with Miguel this week! He said he was going to pray and ask Heavenly Father if being gay was something he didn't want him to do (because just in case you didn't know, Miguel is married to a man named Raphael). We were in shock! It was such a spiritual lesson! We really wanted to help him enter into the waters of baptism because he knows the church is true and that the Book of Mormon is true! He said when me and Sister Mathis first knocked on his door, he felt the spirit so strong. So we were fasting for Miguel on Sunday as well and we got a text after sacrament meeting saying that Raphael didn't want Miguel going to a church that would cause them to break up. It was so sad! But Miguel told us he is going to continue reading The Book of Mormon and praying. He says he listens to it on his I-Pad and it helps him fall asleep! So cool! We are still good friends with him and we are going to see them tonight to get pictures with them! I am so proud of him for making the effort! We asked him to do a hard thing and I know someday he will be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
We also ate at the Krieger's this week and we shared a spiritual thought and Dawn even teared up! It was so cool! We love them!<3
Seeds are continuing to be planted here in Grandville, Michigan. I love this area. I love this gospel.
I have been thinking a lot this week about people that I love that have left the church or gone astray (at home and on my mission). It breaks my heart. Literally. And makes me cry.
I was reminded of the story in John 6:66-69 :
"From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.
Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?
Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.
And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God."
I can testify that Jesus is the Christ. I will never leave him. You all have my word on that. He truly does have the words of eternal life. And I have come to know how he felt this past week as people have left him. Thank goodness for the men like Simon Peter that stand up for Christ. Continue to stand up for Jesus Christ. Protect his name. And remember to always, keep the faith!
I hope you all have a stellar week!😀
It's so wonderful to see you so happy And loving Christ the way you do. You are such a beautiful young lady. Inside and out. I know you don't know me only of me through your parent and grandpa who is my brother. I love that you blog and that you share. Love you Aunt Carolie